I also decided to make a felted wool ring chain for DS. He enjoys holding onto it and teething on it. It was very easy to do. I made thick i cord about 10 inches long, stitched the ends together, interlocking them to make a chain which I then felted in the washing machine. It was a very fun and easy little project and I look forward to making more of them.
I am continuing to work on the gnome for DS and I hope to finish it this week. If I did not have so many other projects going at the same time it would have been done a while ago. I still have to knit his head, stitch him up and stuff him though.
I have been working on some non-knitting projects too! I set up our first nature table the other day in our dining room. DS and I pick up little things for it when we go out for nature walks. I would like to make some cute little items to add to it as well. My hope is that I can start learning to needle felt in the next few weeks in order to do so.
Lastly, I have been trying to learn wet on wet watercolor painting. My first attempt was yesterday and it did not look good at all! I really want to paint some 4 season trees to frame and hang in our dining room. The first one looked nothing like a tree. Today, I tried again and managed to paint a tree that looks like a tree! I am excited! It seems though that time to paint more than 1 per nap is not going to happen. I love this painting style too as I just use paint pots of the primary colors and the colors blend as you paint.